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Healing Fairy

A member registered Mar 17, 2020

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This is a pretty nostalgic game for me. Reminds me of days past messing around on my Nintendo DS in the PictoChat app. So I like the idea of using that app and giving it a horror vibe. 

The drawing mechanic is really cool with the various different brushes you can use. It was  pretty neat that what you drew affected the endings you get. The game was interesting enough for me to get all the endings. :)

I feel the story is still pretty unclear to me but I enjoyed it anyway.

The pixel art was amazing, like the tunes, great game!!! :D

Cute little game! I like the concept that your frog evolves and you can play a different stage. Not gonna lie the snake would spook me every time it appeared on screen.  The art is great and I especially like the snakes! :) The music is catchy; fits the game very well. Great game! :D

The kaiju is very cute and I keep running into them! Game is very polished with nice graphics. Music is fun and playful. Controls are a little wonky but fun game! :D